While practicing the Neural Network exercise from Andrew Ng course in R, I got stuck at the first step. The data file is in .mat format and I wanted to read the files in R. After a few trials and getting lots of errors, I finally got a solution. But for that, I need to connect to the Octave environment first and then convert the .mat files to .csv files. Finally, I can read those .csv files in R. It was working for me until I got a better solution where I do not need to connect to Octave at all and can directly read the .mat files in R.
Here is the solution!
If we check the str(digits), it is a list of 2 numeric variables X and y.
If we check the dimension of each variable, X is a 5000*400 matrix and y is a 5000*1 matrix.
It is fascinating how we work so hard to get a solution sometimes and sometimes, it comes so easily!
Thank You!